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Pro Music Rights CEO Jake P. Noch is a Scam

Jake Noch has been ruining artists career for 2 years! He illegally reports people’s songs for copyright infringement when he doesn’t own any rights to the music! All his information on the internet is fake!

I think you must be aware something didn't seem right with them.

I'm a respected producer in the music community. I produced for Famous Dex I’m NOT SOME RANDOM LOW LEVEL PRODUCER and he was able to take every song off my page illegally.

On soundcloud forum is about 50 threads on this forum mentioning the same illegal activities from Jake P. Noch and Pro Music Rights.

I dont know him and his scam Pro Music Rights "company"!!!!He’s never contacted me and I have no way to contact him. how am I supposed to sue him in court when he is a ghost?


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